What’s new in VeroSCORE?

What’s new in VeroSCORE?

June 022 Update | VeroSCORE 4.0 Enhancement

More Data, Better Risk Clarity

Veros is excited to announce our latest batch of VeroSCORE report enhancements, which will help our customers optimize collateral risk management with additional market insights and an improved user experience.  This fine-tuning will be auto-delivered starting Wednesday, June 1, 2022.

Explore These Exciting New VeroSCORE Enhancements

NEW: Market Risk Summary Table

The new Market Risk Summary Table can help you better understand the property’s local market risk exposure. Some of new insights include past and recent market activities, ZIP Code-level price changes, and forecasting.

NEW: Market Analysis Table

How does the subject property compare with other properties? With the new Market Analysis Table, you’ll get actionable comparative market data.

NEW: Neighborhood Price Range Chart

What’s the typical value of the homes around the subject property’s neighborhood? The new Neighborhood Price Range Chart uses the percentile ranking to show home values in the 25th, 50th and 75th percentile for the neighborhood. Instantly know where the subject property falls within these upper or lower ranges.

NEW: Area Price Trends Chart

More local market analytics is available with the new Area Price Trends Chart. Compare historical prices changes at the ZIP Code level and at more focal neighborhood level.

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