Automated Valuation Solutions
Automated Valuation Solutions
Automated Valuation Solutions
Leverage this proprietary, on-demand automated valuation model (AVM) offering national coverage, consistent accuracy with the most meaningful confidence scores.
Gain absolute control of your AVM workflow to implement simple, or highly sophisticated cascades, or resell these AVM services to end-users with specific business needs.
Choose this industry-leading residential property valuation tool for fast, accurate, and realistic results, even in rapidly changing markets. It’s your ideal solution for frequent access to current estimates of value across a whole portfolio of properties.
Leverage this index-only based automated valuation solution when you need time-based residential property valuations derived from advanced analysis of local and regional market trends.
Generate, analyze, rank, and report the multiple AVMs required for PACE lending in California.
Dealing with distressed properties? VeroVALUE REO is the must-have tool for shortening REO disposition timelines and optimizing less-than-ideal recoveries. VeroVALUE REO addresses the challenges resulting from distressed assets, increased foreclosure rates, and expanding REO portfolios.
Boost Marketing Efforts with AVMs: Insights for Real Estate Lenders
Explore how Automated Valuation Models (AVMs) can elevate your real estate marketing strategies. Utilize targeted campaigns and data-driven insights to enhance business growth, engage buyers and streamline the lending process.
New VeroSCORE Appraisal Review Enhancements: Property Photos & Valuation Bias Risk Detection
VeroSCORE’s latest updates offer an improved layout including property photos and an added section to help detect potential valuation bias, making it easier for housing finance professionals to quickly assess appraisal risk.
Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Privatization: What It Could Mean for the Housing Market
In RiskWire Webcast episode #29, Veros’ economists discuss the origin of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, along with the potential implications of their privatization on the housing market.